I only thought I bought all my seeds for this year.. this is the last order I swear..
Earlier this year, I wanted to put in an order to migardener.com to order seed. They have a good online platform and are not too far away from me. (Honestly, I should take a drive sometime.) But they were out of what I wanted at the time. So I put in an order at baker creek instead.
I got an email that they were restocked and took a peek. Next thing I know, I'm putting in a $16 order. Oops!
So here's what I got:
Borage- supposed to deter tomato horn worms, I dont know if that's true or not, but it does flower and flowers benefit bees, and I do love the bees.
Shirley Double Mix Poppy- my grandpa was an American Legion leader for several years and my grandma was in the auxiliary and always handed out paper poppies at the local parades. I cant look at a poppy without thinking of them. I want to get some American Legion reds too, but these just look beautiful!
Rainbow chard- chard is another one of those that has caught my attention from those online who grow it. I've never grown it. Don't know anyone in my area who has, so I've never tasted it either. but the rainbow chard looks so beautiful, I decided to give it a go, and if my family doesn't eat it, the chickens will.
Jack be little pumpkins- these little pumpkins look like they will be great centerpieces in the fall. I've got big max giants, a good carving pumpkin and now babies. I'm gonna be staggering the planting of my pumpkins so they dont cross pollinate. (And probably hand pollinating too)
Ruby red leaf lettuce- I'm a sucker for a pretty salad bowl.
Red acre cabbage- never grown cabbage before, but we eat cabbage, so I should try, right?!
Giant Mckenna Columbine Mix- because I'm a sucker for pretty flowers.
Chives- I got garlic chives started, then decided I wanted to put a chive border around my rose bed after seeing the impatient gardeners video on her chive border. These have a purple bloom, while the garlic chives have a white bloom, so I think having them both will be beautiful.
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